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Tuomo Kivelä
Optimized Boom for Mining Applications

DSII Graduate

The development of an autonomous robot positioning system with multiple drilling robots working in the same tunnel at the same time requires a comprehensive approach.
The structure of the robots must be applicable for the task and robots must be able to work without colliding with the tunnel walls or each other and to identify exceptional circumstances.
For example, they must deal with situations where one of the robots malfunctions or falls behind the planned path. This project explores the structural design of serial robotic manipulators and their collision-free path control.
Industry partner
Academic supervisor
Sirpa Launis
Jouni Mattila
The development of an autonomous robot positioning system with multiple drilling robots working in the same tunnel at the same time requires a comprehensive approach.
The structure of the robots must be applicable for the task and robots must be able to work without colliding with the tunnel walls or each other and to identify exceptional circumstances.
For example, they must deal with situations where one of the robots malfunctions or falls behind the planned path. This project explores the structural design of serial robotic manipulators and their collision-free path control.
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